
This is me


This is what I am

Professor of Educational Psychology and coordinator of the Program Evaluation Certificate at WVU.

This is where I come from

  • PhD in Program Evaluation from Western Michigan University.
  • MS in Mathematical Sciences from Michigan Technological University.
  • BS in Mathematics from West Virginia Wesleyan College.

This is what I research

  • Transference of Foundational Evaluation Concepts
  • Social Modeling using Machine Learning
  • Applications of Predictive Hierarchical Social Networks

which are just fancy ways of saying

  • How people learn basic concepts in evaluation
  • Programming a type of artificial intelligence and then training it to do some of my work for me1
  • Figuring out how things are related to each other and then making judgments2
You can check out more about what I do here

      ResearcherID (via ublons)

This is how you can contact me


This is Sparta


  1. No its not Skynet. Computers are stupid.↩︎

  2. Which is a very evaluation like thing to do!↩︎